Hi Nancy! I am the one that had the wainscotting that was featured on Remodelaholic. I saw your question about how high we put it up on the wall. I don't know if you can see on the picture but there is like a half wall at the top of the stairs we just made it to be that tall. If you just went below the light switch I bed it would still look great. Let me know when you finish it, I would love to see it!
We live on Long Island in New York State. Go 1 hour east-Montauk. Go 1 hour west-NYC. Twenty minutes north-beach and twenty minutes south-beach! That's what we like about LI! I am married 27 years to my college guy and have 3 wonderful children and one somewhat crazy but sweet yellow lab.
Hi Nancy! I am the one that had the wainscotting that was featured on Remodelaholic. I saw your question about how high we put it up on the wall. I don't know if you can see on the picture but there is like a half wall at the top of the stairs we just made it to be that tall. If you just went below the light switch I bed it would still look great. Let me know when you finish it, I would love to see it!